Friday, December 5, 2008

There's always another way

A bit ago I joined Twitter, to keep those updated on my progress of my fundraising - alternatively i have made more friends - gotten some great fundraising ideas and well - i have a blast all day on twitter at work - venting (sorry about that guys) chatting, meeting knew bloggers out there  and well seeing what everyone else is up to and has to say.  One day i stumbled upon John Chow. You really should check him out - he makes his living with his blog - i can only wish!   

John Chow his holding this AMAZING contest! He is giving away $6000 in cash!  $5000 will be donated to the charity of your choice & $1000 would be for you to spend however you like! Now with the holidays already here (i still can't believe it!)  who wouldn't want to help out a charity and go spend the rest on yourself!   Personally, I would donate the $5000 to the Canadian Diabetes Association (part of my Team Diabetes fundraising of course!).  And after thinking about it -  that extra $1000 - I would probably put part of that to side for me for some spending money when i do my marathon in Australia - then the rest - since it is the season of giving - I'd like to help out a few other charities out there - the Surrey Food Bank would be one for sure.

This contest that John Chow is holding is being sponsored by  I checked them out - its actually pretty cool - they take your super long  URL's  (like mine - what was i thinking!?) and they make it into a tiny url!! Mine becomes    SUPER COOL! I use it whenever i can now!! You should check them out!!!